Tag: Portfolio

A Chat About Portfolio Income With Thom Guidi, CFA

A Chat About Portfolio Income With Thom Guidi, CFA

The investments in your portfolio usually grow. At least that’s the goal. But those investments may also generate income. So what is portfolio income and what role can it play, especially in retirement?

In this episode, Thom Guidi, CFA, discusses the importance of portfolio income and the impact of portfolio income in a down market.

Thom shares more about:

  • Where portfolio income comes from
  • The impact of portfolio income in a down market
  • Bonds versus stocks income
  • The tax impact on portfolio income
  • And more

Connect With Thom Guidi:

A Chat About Cybersecurity in the Financial World with Emily Diaz, MAcc, CPA, CFP®

A Chat About Cybersecurity in the Financial World with Emily Diaz, MAcc, CPA, CFP®

Protecting yourself in today’s world is more important than ever. Being proactive in developing security habits can give you a sense of comfort when it comes to your financial data.

In this episode,  Emily Diaz, MAcc, CPA, CFP®, provides some reminders about ways to protect your information and shares new resources that are available to help increase the security of your financial information.  

Emily shares more about:

  • Three important practices for protecting and securing your financial data
  • Tips for protecting your sensitive data when using the internet
  • Tricks for protecting your hard copy financial data
  • And more


Connect With Emily Diaz: