Tag: Assets

A Chat About Social Security with Luke Hail, MBA, CFP®

A Chat About Social Security with Luke Hail, MBA, CFP®

If you understand the way Social Security works and how it’s funded, you will understand why the probability of it running out of money is extremely low. 

In this episode, Luke Hail, MBA, CFP®, discusses the Social Security system’s benefits and some key points to remember before taking Social Security.

Luke shares more about:

  • When Social Security was established and why
  • Retirement, disability, and survivor benefits provided by the Social Security Administration
  • What factors impact when you should begin taking retirement benefits through Social Security
  • And more

Connect With Luke Hail:


A Chat About Risk Tolerance with Ryan English CFA, CPA, CFP®

A Chat About Risk Tolerance with Ryan English CFA, CPA, CFP®

Many people’s instinct is to sell when the market takes a hit, but making those decisions based on emotion seldom has the best outcome. 

In this episode, Ryan English, MBA, CFA, CPA, CFP®, shares his insight on the importance of understanding and the questionnaire Foster & Motley uses to help determine their client’s risk tolerance. He explains how the risk tolerance questionnaire informs decisions about the client’s portfolio and investment policy statement. 

Ryan shares more about:

  • What a risk tolerance questionnaire is
  • The importance of understanding your risk tolerance
  • How age plays a role in your risk tolerance
  • And more


Connect With Ryan English:

A Conversation About Estate Tax with Tony Luckhardt, MBA, CFP®, CRPC®, and Emily Diaz, CPA, CFP®

A Conversation About Estate Tax with Tony Luckhardt, MBA, CFP®, CRPC®, and Emily Diaz, CPA, CFP®

Estate tax doesn’t necessarily affect everyone, but for those it does impact, it can be a big deal. Also, the laws around it have changed several times, and are expected to again soon. 

In this episode, Tony Luckhardt, MBA, CFP®, CRPC®, and Emily Diaz, CPA, CFP®, share about the history of estate taxes. They also provide insight on how people can plan ahead for gifting to loved ones which can help to minimize your estate tax bill.

Tony and Emily share more about:

  • What the difference is between an estate tax and an estate plan
  • Who needs to be concerned about estate taxes and why
  • How Foster & Motley can help you
  • And much more


Connect With Tony Luckhardt & Emily Diaz:


A Chat About Required Minimum Distributions with Nick Roth, CFP®

A Chat About Required Minimum Distributions with Nick Roth, CFP®

Required minimum distribution rules impact almost everyone at some point in their lives.  Do you know what to expect so you can avoid the high cost that comes with missing an RMD?

In this episode, Nick Roth, CFP®, discusses everything you need to know about required minimum distribution rules and how to plan ahead with confidence. 

Nick shares more about:

  • Recent changes to the rules surrounding RMDs
  • The impact of missing an RMD
  • What the rules are for taking an RMD from an inherited IRA
  • And more!


Connect With Nick Roth:


A Chat About Investment Sectors with Thom Guidi, CFA

A Chat About Investment Sectors with Thom Guidi, CFA

To truly understand the stock market, it is important to understand how stocks are divided into different sectors. Having a grasp on these sectors can benefit you in the long run. 

In this episode, Thom Guidi, CFA, discusses how to identify which stocks belong within each of the 11 stock market sectors and why it matters.  Also, learn how Foster & Motley makes it easy for their clients to see what sectors their stock investments are in.

Thom shares more about:

  • The 11 stock market sectors (according to GICS) 
  • Investors managing their own money
  • The benefits of using sectors in your investment process
  • And more!


Connect With Thom Guidi:

A Conversation About 2021 and What’s Ahead with Zach Horn, MBA, CFP®, CMFC® and Nick Roth, CFP®

A Conversation About 2021 and What’s Ahead with Zach Horn, MBA, CFP®, CMFC® and Nick Roth, CFP®

It’s 2022 and everyone is still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 along with many other changes that affect your financial life. But, at Foster & Motley, they continue to adapt in new ways to help their clients keep moving forward. 

In this episode, Zach Horn, MBA, CFP®, CMFC®, and Nick Roth, CFP® discuss the continued growth within the company and with client relationships. They also touch on some exciting things that are ahead for 2022.

Nick and Zach share more about:

  • How they have adapted  to provide ongoing service to their clients
  • The major themes to come out of the year 2021
  • What to look forward to in 2022
  • And more

Connect With Nick Roth & Zach Horn:

In this episode, Zach and Nick share about several ratings and rankings that Foster & Motley received in 2021, see below for more information on each:


Ratings and rankings from publications and rating services are not a guarantee of future investment results and are not intended as a testimonial or endorsement of Foster & Motley as an investment advisory firm. Foster & Motley did not pay a fee for any of the ratings or rankings mentioned. The criteria and formulas used by publications to rate and rank an investment adviser are generally based on data provided by the advisory firm, and not all investment advisers provide data. Each publication provides details regarding the criteria they use. Please refer to FosterandMotley.com for criteria specific to each rating or ranking. 

A Chat About Our 2022 Podcast Season With Joe Patterson, CFP®

A Chat About Our 2022 Podcast Season With Joe Patterson, CFP®

After a year of discussing all things wealth and life, it is time to venture into more condensed conversations with our new short series. Don’t worry, we’ll still give some topics the full 30 minutes they deserve, but we’re adding in some 10 minute or less episodes as a quick hit on more focused topics too.

In this episode, Joe Patterson, CFP®, discusses the plan behind Foster & Motley’s new short series, as well as their reason for the podcast. Joe shares who you will be hearing from this season and what you can do to join the conversation. 

Joe shares more about:

  • What to expect in our shorter series episodes 
  • Who you will be hearing from within the Foster & Motley team
  • Ways you can get involved in the podcast
  • And more!


Connect With Joe Patterson:

A Conversation About Working With an Estate Planning Attorney With Jacob Samad

A Conversation About Working With an Estate Planning Attorney With Jacob Samad

Understanding what goes into estate planning, and how to distinguish between the different documents is vital in planning for your future. 

In this episode, David Nienaber sits down with Jake Samad, attorney, and partner at Robbins, Kelly, Patterson, and Tucker.  They discuss some of the common questions that come up about estate planning and the different documents most people need.

Jacob discusses:

  • The importance of estate planning early on to ensure all goals will be met
  • Communication with your estate planning attorney and how changes are made to your documents
  • The healthcare power of attorney and living will, and which takes precedence 
  • The difference between having a plan set in place and not having one
  • How to store your estate planning documents 
  • And more


Connect With Jacob Samad:

Connect With Dave Nienaber:

About Our Guest:

Jacob Samad is a partner at Robbins, Kelly, Patterson & Tucker. His practice focuses in the areas of estate planning, probate estate and trust administration, business formation and succession planning, asset protection planning, and charitable giving. Jake works with individuals, families, and closely-held business owners to address personal planning issues, to help with the thoughtful transfer of assets from one generation to the next, and to assist business owners with advice concerning general business matters, which may include planning for the successful transition of the business.

A Conversation About the First Year of a Wealth Management Experience

A Conversation About the First Year of a Wealth Management Experience

When you make the decision to work with a financial advisor, they are going to get to know you and your financial situation to assist you in reaching your goals. 

Over the first year, they are going to meet with you and slowly address each area of your finances.

In this episode, Rachel Rasmussen and Tony Luckhardt speak about what the first year looks like when working with advisors at Foster & Motley so you can better understand what to expect. The pair dive into what you should know about the initial meeting, and how they work to address things over the first year of the relationship.

Rachel & Tony discuss:

  • The initial meeting with a financial advisor
  • Data gathering and how they ensure they have all that they need from you
  • Why there are three to four meetings the first year and what is discussed in each
  • What to expect from your financial planner and investment manager
  • And more


Connect With Rachel Rasmussen & Tony Luckhardt:

A Conversation About Elements of a Wealth Management Engagement

A Conversation About Elements of a Wealth Management Engagement

Having the initial conversation with your financial advisor can be hard — maybe you have gotten yourself into a bad financial situation or just have not addressed it — either way, we are here to help. 

In this episode, David Nienaber and Zach Horn discuss the elements of a wealth management engagement. David and Zach speak about what wealth management can do for it, and why it is important to work with someone, no matter what situation you are coming with. 

David & Zach discusses:

  • What to expect in the initial meeting with a financial advisor
  • The importance of having your spouse involved in financial discussions
  • How your financial advisor can help with your children’s financial needs
  • Documentation that your advisor needs, and how technology has made accessing information easier for the advisor and the client
  • And more

Connect With David Nienaber & Zach Horn: