Tag: Assets

A Conversation About Young Adult Financial Planning, Part Two

A Conversation About Young Adult Financial Planning, Part Two

Understanding the value of proper financial planning as a young adult is important, but means nothing if you don’t know what exactly you should be doing.

In this episode, Joe Patterson and Thom Guidi help you learn more about the specific financial decisions you should be considering as a young adult. Joe and Thom take you through some of the common things that impact your finances, and how to make the best choices for you. 

Joe & Thom discuss:

  • Credit cards and how to limit credit card debt
  • Whether buying or renting a home is better as a young adult
  • The financial impacts of buying or leasing a car
  • Savings tips for young adults
  • Action items that you can take from this podcast to implement
  • And more

Connect With Joe Patterson & Thom Guidi:


A Conversation About Young Adult Financial Planning, Part One

A Conversation About Young Adult Financial Planning, Part One

What if the things you know now about your finances, you knew in your twenties? Do you think you would have made some different decisions?

In this episode, Joe Patterson and Thom Guidi discuss things that every young adult should begin thinking about regarding their finances. In the first part of this two part series, Joe and Thom introduce you to the high level things that twenty-somethings should know, and how it could impact their future.

Joe & Thom discuss:

  • The benefits to a Roth IRA as a young adult
  • Insurance and what types you need and don’t need as a young adult
  • How to handle debt when you are young
  • The importance of managing your financial life 
  • And more

Connect With Joe Patterson & Thom Guidi:

A Conversation About Tax planning and how it impacts your portfolio and future goals

A Conversation About Tax planning and how it impacts your portfolio and future goals

In life, 2 things are guaranteed — death and taxes. So it is important that you take the time to understand tax planning so you don’t end up paying more than you owe.

In this episode, Tony Luckhardt and Ryan English help you understand what should be going into your tax planning and how the advisors at Foster & Motley are equipped to help. Tony and Ryan discuss taxes as they pertain to multiple aspects of your finances, and the value of proactive planning.

Tony & Ryan discuss:

  • The importance of setting a capital gains budget
  • Year to year tax planning and multi-year planning
  • Why investment philosophy matters when it comes to tax planning
  • How to avoid surprises when it comes to tax season
  • And more


Connect With Tony Luckhardt & Ryan English:

A Conversation About Financial Planning

A Conversation About Financial Planning

What is a  financial planner? What do they do?

In this episode, David Nienaber and Tony Luckhardt sit down to discuss what the role of the financial planner encompasses and what it means to Foster & Motley specifically. David and Tony speak about what to expect from the process of working with a financial planner and how it might help you balance the financial aspects of your life a little easier.

David & Tony discuss:

  • What a Foster & Motley financial planner does for clients
  • How financial planning begins with goals and creating a plan around them
  • The role financial planners take in creating spending plans
  • How financial planning is unique to each person or family
  • And more

Connect With David Nienaber & Tony Luckhardt:

A Conversation About Investment Management

A Conversation About Investment Management

We have introduced you to many investment managers and financial planners throughout this podcast, but do you really know what the roles of each are?

In this episode, Ryan English and Thom Guidi explain the role of investment managers and what they do to help clients prepare for the future. Ryan and Thom aim to give you a look into the investment manager role, so you know what to expect when working with one.

Ryan & Thom discuss:

  • What investment management is and the other names it’s often called
  • Client involvement throughout the investment management process
  • The process to structuring a portfolio
  • How a client goals play a key role in asset allocation
  • And more

Connect With Ryan English & Thom Guidi:

A Conversation about Financial Data, Sensitive Information, and the Security of it

A Conversation about Financial Data, Sensitive Information, and the Security of it

Data privacy has become more of a concern as the world is transforming to full digital. 

Although companies are continuing to upgrade their security to protect your data, you need to do your part to ensure it is protected on your end.

In this episode, Zach Horn and Joe Patterson, investment manager and financial planner, respectively with Foster and Motley, help you understand the various ways hackers are getting your information and how you can prevent your data from getting into the wrong hands.

Zach horn and Joe Patterson, discuss:

  • Steps to safeguard your data
  • The best practices to keep your financial data secure.
  • The different types of fraud attempts
  • Where to secure your passwords
  • And more

Connect With Zach Horn and Joe Patterson:

A Conversation about Charitable Giving

A Conversation about Charitable Giving

When it comes to charitable giving, you have your own goals on what you want to do and how you want to give. 

Are you fully aware of all of the options you have when it comes to giving?

In this episode, Tony Luckhardt and Rachel Rasmussen discuss what is available to you when it comes to charitable giving. Tony and Rachel speak about how you are able to give both your time and money, and what giving might look like when it comes to your taxes.

Tony & Rachel discuss:

  • Why people choose to give, and how to do so in a way that reflects personal goals and values
  • How to choose a charity to give to, and the process of giving
  • What charitable giving can do to your taxes
  • How Foster & Motley works with clients when it comes to organizing charitable giving
  • Variety of ways that you can give to charitable organizations
  • And more


Connect With Tony & Rachel:

A Conversation about Understanding Inflation

A Conversation about Understanding Inflation

Inflation is not always a bad thing, and there are many cases in which inflation is good. The question is, what can you do about it? 

In this episode, Ryan English and Luke Hail sit down to discuss inflation and the impacts it has on the US economy. The duo discuss how inflation works and aim to help you understand how this recent global pandemic has affected inflation and whether or not those changes are here to stay.

Ryan & Luke discuss:

  • What is inflation and how has it been historically
  • Transitory inflation caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Cases of good inflation and how it keeps the economy on track
  • Foster & Motley’s efforts to assist clients when it comes to inflation
  • And more

Connect With Ryan & Luke: